Flamingo App Reviews

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Good job, but...

I like this very useful application, works fine for me ! Nice work :) I just would have loved that my UI preferences were saved… Whenever I quit Flamingo and open it again, I have to resize the window.

Very nice :-)

This application is very beautiful and well developed. But something should be add: when someone sends a photograph, it is not displayed, and the link is cuted in 2 messages… Please correct it!

Nice look but bad runnig

This application looks realy nice. In facts there is still many bugs, especially if you are using a google hangouts account. The chrome « google hangouts » plugin is much more efficient. I tried to send some bug reports but never got any answer. Then, Flamingo has potential but it’s not finalized yet (in my opinion). I give 2 stars for the look, but I don’t use anymore until the majors bugs are fixed ;)

Flamingo crashes on yosemite

flamingo crashes when trying to enter the contact name in appropriate section and disconnects without stopping of hangout account, it asks for the password again, in Yosemite 10.10.1…. app for € 9, it remains intolerable

absolute waste of money

doesn’t work with FB anymore and the google hangout management is aweful… don’t download this.

Not ready for the prime time

It’s a little buggy, when I set the accounts it had some issues. I think it is fetching the contacts pictures and while the app is doing this, it stops responding. It’s important to have a menubar Icon because my Dock is always hidden and I’ve disabled the notification center.

Ok, but many bugs

É um comunicador instantâneo belíssimo, mas trava demais. Complicado usar. It’s a beautifull instant messaging, but crashes a lot.

It’s OK

So, Flamingo is a really nice app. Problem is, there are bugs: 1 - from time to time, the window will freeze due to contact listing updates 2 - when you have a text that’s isn’t on the main scroll view, you’ll get a unread count forever (or until you close that chat window) 3 - group chats. Why don’t you have support? I see many others, like Astro.app (sorry to mention in) with group chat support… I think you need a better excuse than “services limitations”. 4 - Your app is one of the best IMHO and I paid almost 10 bucks for it, and I’m NOT used to do it. So, please, give it a little love and you’ll see that people loves your app! :D

Not ready yet

Nice app, nice try. It’s just not ready to be sold, especially for almost 10 dollars. Freezes often. Developers should have done their job before marketing it.

so expensive

There isn’t advanced settings to XMPP and I had problem with Hangout/2-step through websense.

Bonito, mas precário.

O sistema de envio de arquivos é muito ruim. It needs to improve the system for file sharing. It’s awful. And facebook stickers support , please.

Worst bought in my life

This app is horrible, too expensive, not worth trying. Too lag, totally a bad experience. Cant connect to a hangout-group-chat (whats the point then?) The iMessage is way better than this app! You can do the same and in a much better than this app. (You can connect facebook via XMPP) DONT WASTE YOUT TIME(MONEY) TRYING THIS APP! I’ve been trying version after version hoping its improvement (since start of mavericks). I GAVE UP.

Absolutely laggy

164 friends online and i can’t write one single message without freezing or crashing… the design look great but there is no way for a daily use yet...

really bad atm

fb chat is a simple xmpp implementation and is not working with people who are not online. don’t blame service limitations, because other apps are indeed usable. see astro for example. please fix it ...

Slow in development and too little features for such a price

The app’s development progress is very slow, making the wait for requested feature seem endless. Besides, for such a price you’d expect something far more feature-rich than the current version (1.0.9) of Flamingo. Too bad, this app had a great start, but it looks like the developers kill it with their laziness and greed.


I works fine. No complains at all. A much more prettier alternative for Adium!

It’s poor

I’m disappointed in this app. It looks great and I wish I could continue using it but it has been nothing but a struggle so far with Google Hangouts including disconnections and lost messages. The application is disconnected half the time I look at it. To connect often I have to restart the app. Messages that were sent to my phone while the app was disconnected never show up. Perhaps that is a problem with Google Hangouts rather than the attempt at an implementation here. There are problems with the app itself as well. The connect button isn’t always available when offline, connectivity can be different depending on whether youre at home a coffee shop or in the office. Messages are sometimes cut off so you cannot read the whole thing. Support is generally responsive they mainly recommend waiting for the next version which can be up to 6 months between. Two fix releases have come out and I’m still having issues. I absolutely do not recommend this product at its price. I’m annoyed I had to write this review, I wish I could use the software because it looks nice.

No support for MUCs :(

As long as this application does not support Multi-User-Chats via XMPP Protocol it is useless for me and my colleagues. Very sad as it has a nice layout and chats working well.

Good 1.0. Worth Buying.

Pretty good for a 1.0. Could use some work on the onboarding process. Had to restart the app to get to my conversations screen, even after adding contacts. That said, well worth $10.


Flamingo does it all. Simply designed and so easy you could use it standing on one leg, it breaks down walls of communication and provides a seamless interface and hub for conversation outlets. Definitely worth the price!