Flamingo App Reviews

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Design is good but functionality doesn’t feel solid nor stable…

Only Minimally Useful

Does not sync current conversations in Google Hangouts… the 12 group conversations I maintain for work did not appear in the client, and there’s no easily found way to bring these conversations into flamingo. Not a prime solution to start a new thread of every existing conversation for such a prime chat platform.

Finally: a hangouts client and all around Apply chat application - UPDATED

I got this app because it supports Google Hangouts chats. Now I’m using it with three different Google accounts and my Facebook account. It’s a rock solid all around chat application, with a much cleaner UI and better workflows than iMessage or any other chat application I’ve tried thus far. If you’re tired of leaving Chrome open just so you can miss Google Hangout messages, this app is for you; if you have multiple Google accounts you use chat with, this app is for you. Highly recommended. Is it flawless? No, but it’s pretty dang close and does a really nice job of doing what it does do. UPDATE: I had to update my review and drop a star because this developer has decided to jump on the annoying workflow boat and automatically prefixes a message’s “<sender>: “ information anytime you copy/paste text from a message. I fricken’ hate that pattern!!!! Maybe, maybe it wouldn’t be bad if I selected the message by triple-clicking it or something, but when I explicitly highlight some text and copy it, I expect what I paste to match it EXACTLY. Chrome is starting to do this by prefixing “http://“ in front of copied URLs. Don’t do that, it’s fricking annoying. Otherwise the update seems good. NOTE: I have absolutely no problem using Flammingo with multiple hangouts accounts, including Google Apps based ones. That’s precisely what I use it for.

Finally usable

I had been wanting to use this app full time, but until this update it just wasn’t stable or reliable enough to use. Now it seems it finally is. It still has issues, and I worry it will become unstable again, but I’ll be using it every day for now. I’m glad to be rid of Adium.

Best IM client on OS X

I’ve been using this app since it first launched. It is completely stable and a pleasure to use.

Nice Design overall, but missing some functionality

Flamingo is a well designed chat application. It is fast and animations are fluid. Its expensive at $10 and a little overpriced in my opinion. I am waiting on “read" receipts from facebook to integrated. Also, more settings and customization would make this app much more appealing.

Not working for me

I tried adding Facebook, not working. Tried adding a google hangout, crashed upon login. Don’t use any other XMPP services that I would want to use in this app. So far, it’s a dud for me. Hope an update comes along to fix these issues because it looks like a promising app. I want my $10 back.

Promising but needs work

Interface is good-looking but needs a lot of streamlining to make it smoother to use. Worse problem for me at the moment is that I can’t use it. I would love AIM, maybe it’s not that in-demand these days but I do still use it. And I can’t use Google Talk at work (I actually use it *for* work, so that’s a drag) because of my firewall. I could change the port and use it, which Adium and Apple Messages let me do, but no dice with Flamingo. Defaults only.


Its a laggy and bad app. I wish i hadnt wasted my money on this. I want my $10 back!

Fantastic so far

I have used Messages and Adium (both successfully), and today both stopped working because Google made a change that affects Google apps users. While they have a known issue, I had no chat client! So I went with flamingo on faith and so far it works beautifully. I’ve only tried it with Google so far as this is the only account I really care about personally. Specifically, the interface is pleasant to look at; the three column isn’t a distraction for me although I would prefer the second column could be narrowed. I also like that each message has its own timestamp on hover.

Really Like It

I am very happy with my purchase of Flamingo. As a programmer who works from home I often depened on instant messaging applications to communicate with my team. Since switching from Windows to the Mac I’ve been using Apple’s default Messages application but it would often send text messages to my contacts with iPhones instead of sending a chat message. After some time I decided to purchase Flamingo and have been very please with it so far. I have not found it to be buggy and the user experieince has been fantastic for me. I would purchase it again. Bottom line: I recommend this product.


great ui wrapped around an incredibly simplistic set of features. i read through their FAQ, which is more akin to a list of excuses. the real value in this app is to once again remind me of how well put together Trillian is. was that reminder worth $10? no. cest la vie.

Inaccessible to VoiceOver users

unlabeled buttons, clunky interface, and it also does not access my google hangouts. Definitely not recommended for anyone much less VoiceOver users. No attention paid to accessibility at all.

Good…in theory.

This app looks very nice and all and has cool features but the issue is that it has not once worked properly since I bought it. I bought it when it first released btw….I would not suggest that anyone buys this until it is fixed….which I dont really see happening after its been this long.

I love Flamingo!!!

And It would be perfect if the app could work with Skype.

Crashes all of the time

Save your money. This thing crashes constantly, and while the interface is pretty, it’s not particularly intuitive. CMD+W doesn’t close a chat; it closes the whole window. Things like that. I strongly recommend you wait until the developers invest their time in making this thing better, because $10 is a lot to get stuck with software that doesn’t work.

Continuous crashing

Continuous crashing on Yosemite. But finally got it to load. Lacking some features, but the UI is nice.

Close, but no cigar.

This piece of software looked really great and combined some services that seemed like a great thing. But the software itself is horribly buggy. Full screen mode is an absolute mess and opening new conversations are hidden until you exit full screen mode. Also, no group chat of any kind. So this is only usefull if you’re ever chatting with one person at a time. Everything else is pretty slick and really fun. But honestly no group chats makes the Facebook login useless for me and not having a deep integration with the services limits the function of chats. And the deal breaker is how much the application crashes on my new MacBook Pro. I emailed support and the response was cold and impersonal, and it seemed like it was an attempt to belittle me. I don’t like talking to this team at all. This software is really close, but I am uninstalling it.

Too buggy to use and no longer under development. DO NOT BUY

I bought this application early in its development since it was bravely attempting to solve a problem I have. It has always been buggy, but I’m an engineer and I understand the process and wanted to support the developers. Unfortunately, they never beat the bugs. The application is unstable and crashes reliably on Mavericks and Yosemite, which is honestly no more frustrating than the interface bugs. I’m deeply disappointed by the quality of this application. They launched it with a $10 price tag (I think we can agree that’s exorbitant for a desktop chat app) and has never had a stable release. Earlier this year they discontinued development as the XMPP protocol is being discontinued by most services. I don’t blame the developers for that, there’s not really much to be done about it. I do blame them for leaving this broken piece of crap on the app store and not changing the price. TL;DR: There is no reason to buy this.

Needs some updates

This app is great looking and for the most part works, but needs to fix syncing and history with Google Chat. It’s frustrating to not have previous conversations, or if you have a Google chat window pop-up in your Gmail, your conversation history is lost.